Daryl Moore

Professional Software Developer
Astoria, Oregon


Bachelor of Science, Software Design

Recent Project History

Equipment Inspection Platform, 2011 - Present

I developed the full stack for a RFID-driven equipment inspection platform for construction and first responder industries.

Users of the system scan an equipment's embedded RFID tag which locates the record in the system. Users then inspect the equipment using custom built inspection forms and record the inspection. The system manages all trackable assets, including their GPS location, use status and repair history.

Technologies Employed
  • Native Android Application - Java, RFID, Traditional Bluetooth / Bluetooth Low Energy
  • Native iOS Application - Swift, Bluetooth Low Energy
  • Web Portal - HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap, JQuery, Javascript, LESS
  • Web Back end - ASP.Net, C#, WebAPI, JSON
  • Database - LINQ for SQL, Entity Framework, MS SQL
  • Cloud Services - Amazon S3, SMS, EC2, Elastic Beanstalk

Online Discussion Platform, 2015

I developed and manage an online discussion platform that mimics the site http://www.reddit.com. This site is used internally at several installations for internal and client discussions, and as an informal tech-support platform.

Technologies Employed
  • Web Portal - HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap, JQuery, Javascript, LESS
  • Web Back end - ASP.Net, C#, WebAPI, JSON
  • Database - Entity Framework, MS SQL
  • Cloud Services - Amazon S3, SMS, EC2, Elastic Beanstalk

Cryptographic Currency Promotion Platform, 2015

I developed and managed a clound-based website that promoted the use of cryptographic currencies. Advertisers would buy ads using cryptographic currencies and the funds were disbursed to readers. This was developed as a fun project.

Technologies Employed
  • Dogecoin, Bitcoin, Whycoin, Litecoin, Chain APIs, Exchange APIs
  • Web Portal - HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap, JQuery, Javascript, LESS
  • Web Back end - ASP.Net, C#, WebAPI, JSON
  • Database - Entity Framework, MS SQL
  • Cloud Services - Amazon S3, SMS, EC2, Elastic Beanstalk

Community Store Platform, 2015

I developed and managed an online community store used by several merchants in the downtown core who could not afford to build and maintain their own website. This platform sold and drop shipped goods on their behalf.

Technologies Employed
  • Online Payment Integration - Paypal, First Data, Square
  • Web Portal - HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 2, JQuery, Javascript
  • Web Back end - ASP.Net, C#, WebAPI, JSON
  • Database - Linq for SQL, MS SQL

Long-term Health Care Application Portal, 2001 - 2011

I developed and managed the full stack for a long-term health care application system for a marketing company.

The system was originally developed as a compact website using Asp.net / MS SQL and evolved over time to become a full-stack, self-hosted system that included mobile access. I was responsible for all aspects of the requirements analysis, design and implementation of the user experience and business logic. The system queried applicants for health history information and required expert-systems style logic depending on the health history of the applicant. We were required to comply with HIPAA and 30+ individual state regulations.

Technologies Employed
  • Windows Mobile 7.0
  • Web Portal - HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • Web Back end - ASP.Net, C#, SOAP
  • Database - ADO.Net, MS SQL

Technology Researcher, 2000 - 2001

Worked with XMLFund, LLC., a venture capital firm founded by Dave Pool, to research technologies of potential portfolio companies.

Technologies Used
  • Java / DataChannel
  • XML, XSL/T, XMLDOM, HTML, JS, etc.
  • C#, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, MS SQL

Contract Developer - 1990 - 2000

Employed and worked as an independent software developer in a variety of industries.

Technologies and Industries
  • Miscellaneous Web Development ('98 - 2000)
  • Integrated Visual FoxPro 5.0 into Visual Studio 5.0 IDE (cut by MS before launch)
  • Built Visual FoxPro Development Framework for application development
  • Visual FoxPro for Fitness Club Management, NCAA College Football, Greenhouse Management, accounting, other industries
  • C++ Windows Explorer Extensions for File Management
  • A variety of other applications and industries